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日期: 2021-03-30 信息来源: 点击数:
出生年月:2/6/1980 (mm.dd.yyyy
职称:Professor (High-end talent)





2/6/1980 (mm.dd.yyyy



Professor (High-end talent)





Abomohra(马文标)教授从事微生物学和环境工程的交叉学科研究,集中于微藻类在污水处理,二氧化碳封存,生物柴油、生物酒精、沼气、生物原油等生物燃料产生等方面的应用。Abomohra(马文标)教授以第一作者发表SCI论文20篇,发表SCI论文超过90篇,总影响因子为398,出版著作及编写著作章节共计7本。近日,马文彪教授发表的综述论文刊登在了国际顶级综述类期刊《Progress in Energy and Combustion Science》(《能源与燃烧科学进展》,SCI,影响因子 26.467),从事研究之外,他为本科生和研究生教授《植物学概论》、《微生物学》、《可再生能源》、《科学写作》等课程。

Abomohra(马文标)教授是许多高水平期刊(Trends in Biotechnology, Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Biotechnology for Biofuels, RSC Advances, Bioresource Technology, and Biochemical Engineering Journal)的审稿人。Abomohra(马文标)教授2015年3月到2017年2月在哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)做博士后,2017年2月-2019年11月在江苏大学做副教授、教授。Abomohra(马文标)教授的研究方向为环境工程,研究重点包括环境生物技术、生物柴油生产、厌氧消化、生物修复、发酵和热化学转化。他的研究团队主要致力于不同生物质原料的生物能源生产。

Selected Publications (* corresponding author)

1. Abomohra A*, Elsayed M, Esakkimuthu S, El-Sheekh M, Hanelt D (2020) Potential of fat, oil and grease (FOG) for biodiesel production: A critical review on the recent progress and future perspectives. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 81, 100868 (IF =26.4, Q1)

2. Abomohra A, El-Naggar AH, Alaswad SO, Elsayed M, Li M*, Li W (2020) Enhancement of biodiesel yield from a halophilic green microalga isolated under extreme hypersaline conditions through stepwise salinity adaptation strategy. Bioresource Technology 310, 123462 (IF= 6.589, Q1)

3. Almarashi J, El-Zohary S, Ellabban M, Abomohra A* (2020) Enhancement of lipid production and energy recovery from the green microalga Chlorella vulgaris by inoculum pretreatment with low-dose cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP). Energy Conversion and Management 204, 112314 (IF= 7.181, Q1)

4. Lakshmikandan M, Murugesan A, Wang S*, Abomohra A*, Jovita P, Kiruthiga S (2020) Sustainable biomass production under CO2 conditions and effective wet microalgae lipid extraction for biodiesel production. Journal of Cleaner Production 247, 119398 (IF= 6.395, Q1)

5. Ai P, Chen M, Ran Y, Jin K, Peng J, Abomohra A* (2020) Digestate recirculation through co-digestion with rice straw: Towards high biogas production and efficient waste recycling. Journal of Cleaner Production 263, 121441 (IF= 6.395, Q1)

6. Esakkimuthu S, Krishnamurthy V, Wang S*, Hu X, Swaminathan K, Abomohra A* (2020) Application of p-coumaric acid for extraordinary lipid production in Tetradesmus obliquus: A sustainable approach towards enhanced biodiesel production. Renewable Energy 157, 368-376 (IF= 5.439, Q1)

7. Wang S, Shang H, Abomohra A*, Wang Q (2019) One-step conversion of microalgae to alcohols and esters through copyrolysis with biodiesel-derived glycerol. Energy Conversion and Management 195, 447–456 (IF= 7.181, Q1)

8. Xu S, Elsayed M, Ismail GA, Li C, Wang S*, Abomohra A* (2019) Evaluation of bioethanol and biodiesel production from Scenedesmus obliquus grown in biodiesel waste glycerol: A sequential integrated route for enhanced energy recovery. Energy Conversion and Management 197, 111907 (IF= 7.181, Q1)

9. Abomohra A, Shang H, El-Sheekh M, Eladel H, Ebaid R, Wang S*, Wang Q (2019) Night illumination using monochromatic light-emitting diodes for enhanced microalgal growth and biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology 288, 121514 (IF= 6.589, Q1)

10. Wang S, Yerkebulan M, Abomohra A*, El-Khodary S, Wang Q (2019) Microalgae harvest influences the energy recovery: A case study on chemical flocculation of Scenedesmus obliquus for biodiesel and crude bio-oil production. Bioresource Technology 286, 121371 (IF= 6.589, Q1)

11. Ebaid R, Wang H, Sha C, Abomohra A*, Shao W* (2019) Recent trends in hyperthermophilic enzymes production and future perspectives for biofuel industry: A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production 238, 117925 (IF= 6.395, Q1)

12. Yuan C, Wang S*, Cao B, Hu Y, Abomohra A*, Wang Q, Qian L, Liu L, Liu X, He Z, Feng Y, Zhang B (2019) Optimization of hydrothermal co-liquefaction of seaweeds with lignocellulosic biomass: Merging 2nd and 3rd generation feedstocks for enhanced bio-oil production. Energy 173, 413-422 (IF= 5.537, Q1)

13. Cao B, Wang S*, Hu Y, Abomohra A*, Qian L, He Z, Wang Q, Uzoejinwa B, Esakkimuthu S (2019) Effect of washing with diluted acids on Enteromorpha clathrata pyrolysis products: Towards enhanced bio-oil from seaweeds. Renewable Energy 138, 29-38 (IF= 5.439, Q1)

14. Shao W, Ebaid R, Abomohra A*, Shahen M (2018) Enhancement of Spirulina biomass production and cadmium biosorption using combined static magnetic field. Bioresource Technology 265: 163-169 (IF= 6.589, Q1)

15. El-Sheekh M, Abomohra A*, Eladel H, Battah M, Mohammed S (2018) Screening of different species of Scenedesmus isolated from Egyptian freshwater habitats for biodiesel production. Renewable Energy 129: 114-120 (IF= 5.439, Q1)

16. Abomohra A, Jin W*, Tu R, Han S, Eid M, Eladel H (2016) Microalgal biomass production as a sustainable feedstock for biodiesel: current status and perspectives. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 64: 596-606 (IF= 10.556, Q1)

17. Abomohra A, Jin W*, El-Sheekh M (2016) Enhancement of lipid extraction for improved biodiesel recovery from the biodiesel promising microalga Scenedesmus obliquus. Energy Conversion and Management 108:23–29 (IF= 7.181, Q1)


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